I want someone to eat cheese with.
Yea that was quite a stir for a while, and everybody was going, "I'll have cheese with you" or "Let's have cheese together" whenever they greet me or some sorts. Anyways, I didnt put that up for a reason, I just liked the line. Picked it up somewhere from a movie, I guess. But that's not the point. What I'm trying to say is that I've been kinda having this notion about "Popcorn and Cheese" for a while now, and I don't know why but I just had this urge to write about it right this second. I guess that's the kind of luxury that you can only have on holidays, isn't it? Writing in the middle of midnight like this, well it doesn't happen everyday.So, what's there all about this popcorn and cheese thing is as simple as this:
The kind of person who you would wanna go out with and hang around much is the kind that you would wanna sit together and share a box of popcorn with, being quiet and feeling least awkward about it, simply because you know you're with someone you feel most comfortable with. And that's exactly what we call a buddy.
And the kind of person who you would wanna eat cheese with is the kind who you would wanna sit together and share a slice of cheesecake with, admiring, feeling awkward and worrying at the same time, cos you realize now that you've stayed quiet for too long, simply because you've spent most of the time trying to muster up things to say in your head, just to awe the person next to you. And that's exactly what we call crush.
And that's exactly what it is. Popcorn and cheese.
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