Friday, April 13, 2012

Tick Tock

I watched In Time the other day. If you haven't watched it, it's one of those post apocalyptic dystopian movies where humans live in an alt world and they're all in a bad shape, really. Except here, the rich owns billions of youth years to live, while the poor.. well, they hardly get by. Basically those in the "ghetto" owns less than one day to live at any point in time. So, they work to earn hours just to live. Since they only have hours to live, they run instead of walking and they do everything else much faster than usual.

Then it hit me that I've subconsciously done everything faster than usual on weekends for the past 9 months cos I hate (particularly more now) that they pass so fast. It's like a race to do as much as I could before monday comes. It's sad. Post apocalyptic dystopian indeed.

A wise guy once said that if you look in the mirror and you don't like what you see for three mornings in a row, then you've got to change something cos you're not happy.

Yet four other wise men once said: you wanted everything to change, but you could only change your name.

Well.. change or not, I just want my old weekends back.
